
Friday, August 16, 2013

Helpful Hints for This Blog

Here are a few helpful hints for using this blog (I will update this, adding more to it as I think of more helpful hints).
  1. I try to be specific in blog titles, including the subject to which the blog contents best relates. 
  2. Over time, as I collect more resources, they will be added to the blog.
    1. Resources unrelated to prior posts will be pout into a new blog post.
    2. Resources that pertain to prior posts will be added by updating the prior post rather than making a new entry on the same information. This will help reduce space and keep things better organized.
  3. At the top of every blog post, you will notices that there is an application for "translate." This application allows you to select your preferred language if it is other than American English.
  4. These blogs often appear in a narro strip down the center of the viewing page. To view the blog contents in a more magnified viewing frame on a PC, pus the "Ctrl" key in the lower left of your keyboard and then press the "+" key (next to "Backspace") as many times as needed until the page is comfortable large for viewing.
  5. Throughout the blog posts, you will come across a burnt orange / deep reddish colored and bolded words or phrases.  (like what you see here, this links to google)
    1. When you bring your cursor over them, you will notice an underline will be displayed under the phrase. 
    2. This means that these link out to something else. 
    3. These links will open in a new page.
    4. If the word or phrase links out to youtube videos or other sites, there will be a description of the site or video.
    5. If there is no real description of the word, it is an important vocabulary word that is linked to a site that will further elaborate on the meaning of the word, like an interactive glossary. 
  6. On the right hand side of the blog, you will see a "blog archive" where you can view blogs in chronological order by when they were posted to this blog.
  7. Also to the right side of the blog, you can utilize the "search this blog" application, which conducts a search for topics, words, etc that might be contained within posts to the blog you have currently open. 
    1. To search more blogs, click on the year under blog archive. This will display all blogs posted within that year on your viewing screen and will apply the search to those blogs. 
  8. This blog is supplemental to the WIU Science Teaching Center (5-14). This is a site containing a collection of resources for science students and teachers from grades 5-14 assembled by faculty and pre-service science teachers at Western Illinois University.   
    1. Please check this site out for resources even beyond what have been collected here.

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